Monday, February 29, 2016

It's Reading Month Technology Style!

Kindergarten celebrates with Dr. Seuss
Watch the video:

Play the games:

1st Graders watch the video
Click the hat and find the Green Eggs and Ham Game

2nd Grade Keyboarding Practice

You may choose games from PBS or The Cat's Hat above when you finish your typing lessons.

3rd Grade

Dr. Seuss Bio

Internet Safety

This Week:

After watching the story video all classes can go to PBS kids or Suessville (hat) buttons above to play the online reading month games.
2nd and 3rd Grade Students can also choose games from the K-3 Keyboarding tab.

Monday, February 8, 2016

We Love Technology!

2nd Grade: Do you want to make one of these?
Word Hearts


Kindergarten: "Who is your Valentine?" Theme Poem

3rd Grade: Love in many languages!

Google Translate

1st Grade: 100 grid Valentine pictures this week!

Valentine's Day Games